Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can.

It`s crazy, I`ve never really felt this way before in my life. I feel .. like .. empowered, mabey even reborn?
I have new hope for the future of my life and for our country.

I`ve actually never been involved in politics before this election. Something in him made me tune in && want to learn && be interested in the politics of this country.
I feel so great that he was elected because I know he will make a change, && because he really did something to people. He made so many people decide to get up && help to change their lives && their future .. he empowered so many people to vote .. people who have never voted in their lives got up && waited on block long lines just to cast their ballot for him. That`s some powerful shit man. I wish I could`ve voted, but now I know I will want to when the time comes that I can vote.

It`s so amazing for me to be a part of such an important piece of history like this. He`s opened up doors for all people of color to persue dreams of higher learning, and power, and he proves that anything is possible. Seriously.

Mabey one day we`ll see an asian, latino, && a woman become president.

Everyone gets stuck in a rut from time to time, and it`s up to us as the United States of America to stand up as one && progress towards a better future for ourselves, and our next generations to come, and I think Obama is going to be the person to lead us in doing that .. Especially with him being bi-racial .. he has seen && experienced both sides of the story, && because he is two ethnicities mixxed as one, he can help us break the color lines and be in unity as one.

I feel like finally, I have a president who won`t forget about us, the low && middle class of this country. We make up the majority of this nation and I`ve never felt like any president we had has helped us enough && given us what we need to better our life situations.
I hope that whoever was involved in this huge mark of history will be empowered and encouraged to break down barriers and work together towards a new, peaceful America.
One step at a time.

Remember all the people who fought so hard && risked their lives just to put that 15th amendment - the right to vote - onto the constitution .. all the people who dedicated their lives to change, and killed Jim Crowe, and fought on to the path of equality.
Every vote counts.

If you`re walking down the right path && you`re willing to keep walking, eventually you`ll make progress - Barack Obama

1 comment:

camiwamicat said...

I loved it Cindy.
You are such an amazinq writer.

WE are the future.
I still can't believe he won !
like i think its a dream !
I'm so happy !
We are part of HISTORY !
