Friday, November 28, 2008

November 28th, 2008

So I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving =)
it`s funny how I always eat more ham than turkey

So how was everyone`s Black Friday?
Whether you participate or not .. it`s OD crazyy ..
This is the 1st time I went shopping on black friday cuz I usually really hate shopping in huge crowded stores .. it`s wayy too chaotic .. but I really wanted to get a TV for my pops for xmas .. he really deserves it .. he works so hard for us to try to have a good life.
Anyways .. waiting on line was KILLER .. we got there at 2AM .. Best buy opened at 5 .. so we hadd quite a long time to wait.
When we got there, the line was already a couple blocks long && it was quickly growing
People were trying to cut lines, and rush ahead .. it was some crazy shit man.
Cops had to patrol the whole shit && get people to cooperate.
Best buy started giving out tickets at 3AM && opened at 5 .. we finally got in at 630 ..
It was insane .. i swear i never seen anything like that in my life .. some people were seriously acting like savages trying to get in
The line had to be AT LEAST half a mile long or more.
We did end up getting what we were looking for, && it was a good sale but damn ..

In Long Island on Black Friday today, a Wal-Mart employee got trampled to death by the shoppers waiting in line .. Link
Thousands of people were lined up to hit the deals at Wal-Mart && when the doors opened up, they ran in and fuckin trampled him man ..
People cracked windows && even dented the metal doors && took them off the hinges ..
When employees were trying to get people out of the store because someone had died, no one even cared .. they just kept shopping

What happened to human beings? Aren`t we supposed to be civilized people? I thought we had morals, ethics. This is some crazy shit .. People were acting like savages && wild animals all for discounted shit we don`t even really need but want .. Things we think we need to survive.
This doesn`t make us any better than any animal that doesn`t know any better .. We`re acting like we don`t know any better .. Like there`s nothing wrong with taking someones life over something like material things.

It`s like we`re slaves to consumer products. We`re slaves to the dollar && the discount.

&& at the same time, as we speak, terrorist attacks are happening in Mumbai, India .. Poeple are being taken hostage, murdered .. lives are being stolen.

We`re not human beings anymore, were monsters.

It`s a damn shame.

The human race will quickly learn to live sustainably once its greatest minds are no longer awestruck by egotistical ideologies and theologies that divide humanity, and no longer find themselves wasting valuable human and natural resources in the development, design, production, marketing and sales of worthles products. - Earon Davis

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